Friday, June 9, 2017

Week of June 5-9

This week, the 3rd graders explored various types of poetry that they were interested in, and then created their own poems based on these styles. I was very impressed with the reverso poems, limericks, diamantes, and other types of poems written by my poets! Here is an amazing website that teaches kids anything they would want to know about writing poetry:

In 4th grade, we continued to take on the role director and performed a scene from "Macbeth" in many different ways. We then watched three versions of the same scene done by famous directors and realized just how many choices a director can make and how different a scene can turn out as a result. Here are some of the performances from this week!

The 5th graders have been busy working on their TED Talks. Next week, they will be delivering their talks. I will be filming them and posting them here, so stay tuned!

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