Friday, December 18, 2015

Week of December 14-18

This week, the 3rd graders were given an engineering design challenge. They had to build a tower to hold up a stuffed cow at least one foot tall using only 50 index cards, two feet of tape, and scissors. Even though not all groups were successful at building the tower, everyone was successful at using the engineering design process to create a plan and improve upon it! Here were two towers that met the criteria.

In 4th grade, some groups figured out how to use loops to make programs repeat. One group even learned how to use a switch block to get the robot to follow a line and move around the edge of a sheet of butcher paper!!!

The 5th graders are working on coming up with essential questions that they want to work on answering in this cycle. There have been so many great ideas - How can I show kids that they can have fun without technology? How can I show people that food can be healthy and still be delicious? How can I improve the selection of books in the Menlo Park library?
These are just a few of the many wonderful questions the students will be exploring.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Week of December 7-11

This week, we began our engineering cycle. I love this cycle because all of the G&T kids get to be together! In 3rd grade, we learned what technology is and what an engineer does. Many students were very surprised to learn that things like flip flops, a bonnet, and a basket are all examples of technology because they are made by people to solve a problem.

In 4th grade, we started to go beyond basics to investigate what a loop does and how it can help us with our baseball challenge. We also continued to add sensors so the robot can detect its environment and respond accordingly.

The 5th graders were introduced to their challenge for the engineering cycle- to identify something that breaks their heart in their lives/in the world and think about possible solutions to these heartbreaks. Students will be using the engineering design process to solve these problems by doing a passion project. They will choose a problem they care about and spend the next couple months asking questions, researching, interviewing, surveying, planning, creating, revising, and improving solutions to the problem. I can't wait to see the amazing things that they come up with!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Week of 11/30-12/4

This week, 3a and 3b turned our classroom into a mall. However, instead of listing prices of items for sale, the students wrote equations with variables that their classmates had to solve in order to figure out the prices. Can you find the value of the foods below?

In 4th grade, we've been adding all types of sensors: color sensors that allow our robots to stop at different colored lines and gyro sensors that can detect angles. We learned about thresholds and how to calculate them using the color sensor. We also added an arm that is controlled by the medium motor. Check out the videos below. It's amazing what our robots are able to do!!!

Our 5th graders completed our unit on computer programming and algebra, and we finally have working games!!! You can play our games if you go to the 5th grade page and click on any of the links. I even have a game up there. Have fun!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week of November 23-25

In 3rd grade, we learned how to use the substitution method to solve equations that go together.  Although we were tempted to use guess and check for some of the more difficult problems, by the end of class, we realized that we never had to guess when using the substitution method.  Here is a link to some practice problems using substitution:

In 4th grade, we learned how to move objects using the medium motor, and some groups added a color sensor and programmed the robot to stop at a black line.

The 5th graders learned about piecewise functions and conditionals which will allow their players to move in different ways depending on what key is pressed. Our games are almost complete!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Week of November 16-20

This week, class 4a had a special guest speaker named Asok Thangaraj. He is the parent of a second grade student at Menlo Park, and he really enjoys teaching students STEM related topics. He works at Goldman Sachs as a Senior Engineer- VP in the Technology Division, and when he saw that we were doing robotics and programming, he thought it would be a great fit! He taught us all about artificial intelligence and about how the Turing Test was designed to determine if a computer can exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to a human. You can learn more from his slideshow below:

Presentation on Artificial Intelligence

Mr. Thangaraj teaches us about artificial intelligence.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Week of November 9-13

This week my 3rd graders continued to solve problems with two variables using an organized list and guess and test.  We are getting much better at making educated guesses and using our first guess to make a better second guess!

In 4th grade, we completed the Baseball Challenge (see the video below) using our knowledge from our straight move and tank move tutorials.

In 5th grade, we learned about a new datatype called Boolean that returns a true or false value. This will help us keep our players on the screen! We are very excited to have working games very soon!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week of November 2-4

This week, my 3rd graders continued working on solving problems with 2 (and even 3) variables by making an organized list and using guess and test and by drawing a picture. We talked about old fashioned general stores and how they sold penny candy. Then we tried to figure out the values of certain candies by looking at two equations that go together. We also discussed ways to eliminate certain items from our lists (items that cost 0 cents, items that give a negative difference, items that give too small or too large a difference).

In 4th grade, we tried to get our robots to move around a baseball diamond by thinking about how to get the robot to move straight a specific distance and what type of turn is necessary. We used our knowledge of circumference and different types of turns from our previous lessons to help us.

In 5th grade, we finally began to animate our video games using functions that change the value of the x-coordinates of our dangers and targets.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Week of October 26-30

This week, my 3rd graders learned how to solve problems with two variables by using guess and test with an organized list and by drawing a picture.

In 4th grade, we worked on making our robot do different types of curved moves, and we noticed how the values of the parameters affected how the wheels were turning. Check out the video above to see how the robot spins, pivots, and makes a wide turn. We also learned that by making the power negative, we can get the robot to go in reverse and end up back where it started.

In 5th grade, we continued to use the Design Recipe to define functions, and we used this to help us solve word problems.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Week of October 19-23rd

This week, the third graders continued to solve variable puzzles. Some groups also learned the cover-up method for solving equations that helped us learn how to use our math sense to solve for variables.

In 4th grade, we learned about different types of curved moves. We learned how the steering parameter affects the size of the turn and how the wheels move in different ways for different types of turns (spin versus pivot).

In 5th grade, we learned how to use the design recipe to define functions.
Design Recipe:
1. Write the Contract
2. Write EXAMPLES, circle what is varying (the variable) and give it a label
3. Write the definition by bringing down what stays the same in the examples and replacing what is changing with the variable label you came up with.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Week of October 13th-16th

Before reading about our week, check out this article about an awesome app that teaches kids to program using a phone! It's well worth the $2.99 price tag!

The one 3rd grade class I saw this week learned about variable puzzles and that, in addition to meaning a quantity that varies, variables can also represent a specific unknown. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of my classes next week!

In 4th grade, we completed the Move Straight Challenge. All groups were successful in making the robot move from the start to finish line and back to the start using degrees, rotations, and seconds. It was interesting to see how many different ways the students came up with to do this. Some used guess and test, others found the circumference of the robot's tire, measured the distance of the track, and divided to find the number of rotations necessary. All groups realized that one rotation equals 360 degrees, so they knew that 3 rotations would be the same as 1080 degrees. It was amazing to see so much mathematical thinking being applied to a real world challenge!

The 5th graders learned how to name values in our programming language using define statements. We talked about how good programmers write something once, define it as a shortcut in the language, and then use the shortcut wherever they want in order to save time and avoid repetition.  One class actually got to begin defining values for their own video games and created screenshots of these games!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Week of October 5-9

This week, the 3rd graders wowed me with their own number tricks.  We learned that when something in our trick is changing, that becomes the variable.  One class also solved variable puzzles and learned that variables can also represent a specific unknown. Can you solve this multiplication variable puzzle?

In 4th grade, we tackled the "Move Straight Challenge" where we programmed the robot to move from a start line to a finish line and back to the start using degrees, rotations, and seconds.  We realized that using math skills can help us be precise.  Check out some video footage below!

In 5th grade, we continued to learn about contracts and how important it is to keep track of them when writing code. We learned how to flip, rotate, and size images, and some classes started to learn how to define variables in the definitions window.  All of this knowledge will be the foundation of our video game designs!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Week of September 28-October 2

This week, my 3rd graders learned a cool number trick and how the "magic" behind it is actually algebra!

In 4th grade, we started to program our robots and learned how adjusting modes, parameters, and values in our programming blocks will change the behavior of the robot.

In 5th grade, we are continuing to learn how to use racket code to program a video game.  We learned about contracts and datatypes.  See the pictures below for a refresher.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Week of September 21-25

This week, my 3rd graders learned all about variables, expressions, and equations. They even figured out how to work backwards using inverse operations to solve for variables. One class learned how we can use algebra to play number tricks on people. I'm excited to see if anyone figures out the math behind the number trick I did in class!

In 4th grade, we built our robots and discussed how robots have a brain and a body just like humans do. We also started to learn how the programming component works. Next week, we will get our first programming challenge: getting the robot to move straight.

The 5th graders are zooming through our lessons on turning circles of evaluation into racket code. We've been learning about functions and have been entering code into wescheme in order to see what our functions evaluate to. I'm really impressed with everyone's ability to keep up with our fast pace. By the end of this unit, we're going to turn into professional programmers!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Week of September 16-18

This week, my 3rd graders were introduced to our algebra unit through the use of number games. My 4th graders began building their LEGO robots, and my 5th graders learned how to create circles of evaluation and turn them into racket code.  Even though it was a short week, we were all very busy! For hw assignments, look at grade level pages.
busy at work building robots

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Week of September 8-11

It's been amazing to finally meet with my students this week!!! We viewed a video on "grit" to gain a better understanding of what it's all about, and we started to look for words and images that represent what it means to us.  Here's an image that I especially like because in order to have grit, you must have a growth mindset:

 For homework, I asked my 3rd and 4th graders to continue to research the meaning of "grit" and to come prepared with words and images to add to our classroom poster. I challenged the students to come up with their own quotes and images that have special meaning to them and can motivate us throughout the year.

In 5th grade, we will be using algebra and computer programming to create our own video games. We reverse engineered a simple game called NinjaCat to see how the individual parts work using a coordinate grid.  For homework, students were asked to draw a sketch of a game they are interested in creating making sure to include a player, a target, a danger, and a background.

Click here to play NinjaCat

Monday, September 7, 2015

September 1, 2015

I can't believe it's September already!  I hope everyone had a wonderful summer and that you're ready to embark on an exciting new school year. This year, we'll be talking a lot about the word "grit" - what it means and how it can help us be successful in all aspects of our lives.  Check out the video to get a better understanding of what grit is all about:

Monday, June 1, 2015

Week of June 1-5

This week, the 5th graders worked on finding research for their debates.  We learned to use the acronym A.R.E. (assertion, reasoning, evidence) to help organize our information.  The assertion is the claim or thesis (the driving age should be raised to 18), the reasoning tells you why the claim is true (because raising the driving age will save lives by reducing accidents), and the evidence gives support to the reasons (16-year-old drivers have three times as many crashes as drivers aged 18 and 19).
HW: continue to research and create speeches for first and second speakers and t-chart for rebuttal

In 4th grade, we presented our persuasive speeches.  I was so impressed with the students' ability to speak clearly, use emotion and appropriate gestures, and use notecards instead of reading from a paper!  They also did a great job of using visuals to enhance their presentations.  Their presentations were lively and fun to watch- no more of those boring, text-heavy powerpoints we were used to seeing!!!
Reva persuades us that too much video game playing is bad!

This week, 3a and 3b were on a field trip, so we did not get to meet.  Unfortunately, Fun Day was rained out, so I was able to meet with 3c.  We learned about how line breaks and white space enhance the meanings of poems and really help to create the mood and rhythm.  We also read and analyzed George Ella Lyon's poem, "Where I'm From" and started brainstorming ideas to create our own poems. Click on the link below to read her poem and to see what other people have been inspired to create!
HW: create own "Where I'm From" poem

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week of May 26-29

This week, the 4th graders practiced public speaking with a fun warm-up activity.  I flashed a funny photo on the screen, and they had to pretend it was from a family photo album and explain what was going on.  See my personal favorite photo below!  We learned that good public speakers sometimes have to fake it 'til they make it!
We also worked on our persuasive speeches, getting them ready for next week's presentations.
HW: practice speech with note cards and slides each day and remember to work on the goal you set for yourself

In 3rd grade, we explored Blackout Poetry as a means to use powerful words within a text to create a poem.  I was blown away by the poems and messages my students uncovered.  Check out a couple below!

 Laughed so hard
No trouble
Good day

An answer to the question on the test
had become more important than being right
could anyone think?
maybe they had a clue
to the answer

HW: write blackout poem

*We also did the blackout poetry lesson in Mrs. Oshinski's and Ms. D'Aronzo's second grade classes.  Here are some poems from second graders!

I live in it
A good quiet

This one is hard to make out, but I love the message:
Truth and gossip
is not the same thing

I wrapped my arms
crying so hard
I told him,
It's okay.
He was scared.
Everything will be okay.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Week of May 18-22

This week, my 5th graders blew me away with their presentations of their passion projects!!!  The work they did while I was on maternity leave was truly inspiring, and I hope they continue to work on these and other passions in the future.  Thanks to Ms. Maline for guiding the students on this amazing journey!  I added a new page where visitors to this blog can check out the students' projects.

HW: watch debate video and answer questions; complete sheet I sent about debate topics

In 4th grade, we worked on strong intros and incorporating research into our persuasive speeches.  For homework, students will complete their speeches and make slides for the presentation using preferred program (google slides, prezi, etc.).  Practice speech at home and have family member use rubric to give you feedback.

The third graders learned about poetic techniques like repetition, lists, describing things in interesting/surprising ways and tried some of the techniques in their own poems.
3c also looked for the rhythm in poems and put them to music.  Check out the video below:
HW: Write two poems using the techniques we discussed in class.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

March 20th

March has been a WILD month! We have made it through weeks filled with half days, assemblies, PARCC, and post-tests! Each class has been wonderfully flexible with class times and have all worked very hard to round out the Engineering Unit!
5th grade has been making huge gains with our passion projects. The first week of March, each student presented their Pitch to peers as well as leaders in our school. I was so impressed with the level of hard work and detail each of the students put into preparing and presenting their passion. After we shared our general plan for the project, we began to draft survey questions to gather data about what our peers had to say about our topics. We worked together to analyze the results of each survey and are in the process of using that information to adjust the end goal for our projects.
5th grades continued HW is to reflect on the progress we make each week. Additionally, this week each student should revisit their initial essential question and reflect about the direction they are going. Has your research lead to in a different path? Did you find that your initial essential question was too simple/too broad? When we meet next we will share out our feelings and reinvest ourselves in our passion.
4th grade worked to understand why some groups found certain materials successful while others struggled to use the same material to clean up the oil. Each class researched and experimented with the idea of “surface tension” and the relationship between oil and water. As a grade, we had some interesting findings. We learned that oil and water repel each other (or don’t mix). This was critical to HOW we used each material. Once the material absorbed water, when dipped back in to re-use, it repelled the oil and spread the spill. Also, we figured out that if you break the surface tension of the oil/water you run the risk of absorbing the wrong liquid OR having your material sink. These 2 breakthroughs made our IMPROVE stage incredibly successful.
4th grade HW is to complete your final project and prepare to present to the class. I cannot wait to see your unique and creative ideas come to life!
3rd grade was SUPER flexible with meeting this week and although our classes were shortened we still managed to IMPORVE our water filter plans, create awesome water filter cross word puzzles, and complete our post-test. I particularly loved our conversations about technology; how it continues to change and adapt. We talked about something as simple as a pencil. It solved the problem of having to dip a quill in ink EVERY time you wanted to write. Although the quill/ink seamed terrible it was technology because it solved the problem of having to etch in stone. Then, we thought about the technology that improved the pencil as we know it today: erasers attached on the end, softer grips, stringer lead (graphite), mechanical pencils, etc. We have learned so much as engineers!
3rd grade HW is to complete your final project and prepare to present to the class. I cannot wait to see your unique and creative ideas come to life as well!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Week of February 23-27

After not meeting for 2 weeks our 5th graders had the challenge to work independently at home to complete their Primary Source Letter. I am proud to report all students sent out well written, formal emails and letters to professionals in their field of interest. SO many students are getting responses back! YAY! I am excited to see how each of the students will integrate the new information from those responses into their Pitch Presentation.
On Monday we have invited school leaders and administration to come see our Pitches. Students have tapped into their creative minds and are producing AMAZING presentations! I am so excited for each of the 5th graders to share what they are passionate about and how they plan to impact our community!
5th Grade HW reminder:
1. Pitch must contain WHAT YOUR PLAN IS LOCALLY (there should be a slide or 2 explaining your action steps towards solving your problem/bringing awareness to our community)
2. School leaders will be popping in to see your amazing presentations! This means you should be practicing at home over the weekend so you feel confident about your great work! 
3. If possible send me your presentation so I can load it on my computer and play it through the Promethean Board. 

4th grade began testing methods and materials used to clean up oil spills. Now that we understand the impact that an oil spill can have on the entire ecosystem we know how important it is to clean up every last drop of oil in a spill! We spent our time together testing each of the following materials/methods in isolation: yarn, rubber band, cotton ball, spoon, felt, nylon, sponge, paper filter and a pipette. Each group had to plan how to use each material so that it would be most effective. We learned through our testing that some methods we tried (dipping, scooping, sucking, dragging, etc.) worked better than others.
After we tested each material/method we listed to pros/cons of each and worked independently to imagine ways to combine materials/methods to result in the best clean up! Once we had a variety of ideas each team worked to nail down a final plan which we will test in a “river” next week. I am excited to see the results each group gets and how they work to improve their plan even better!
4th Grade HW: Final Project! Whoo hoo! We have learned so much about oils spills, their impact on the ecosystem and materials/methods to clean them up! The final project is very open ended and gives a variety of project topics and presentation options. Each student received a copy of the final project assignment. NEXT WEEK I will be looking to see that each student has chosen a topic (one from the list or a new one they find interesting) and a way to present it.
3rd grade got to test out their improved water filter designs this week! Each group made significant improvements in their waters’ color, clarity, removal of particles and overall cost! We wanted our improvements to be as strategic as possible so we referred back to our original plan and data collected from the first test results. Once each group revisited their old plan they were able to determine the layers of the filter that was successful and more importantly the layers that were unsuccessful or unnecessary. When we meet next week we will revisit our goal and try once more to improve our filters in hopes to filter CLEAR and CLEAN water or a LOW COST.
3rd Grade HW: Students received their final project in 3rd grade as well! We have learned so much about water, the impact of contaminated and polluted water the ecosystem and explored several methods to filter water! The final project is very open ended and gives a variety of project topics and presentation options. Each student received a copy of the final project assignment. NEXT WEEK I will be looking to see that each student has chosen a topic (one from the list or a new one they find interesting) and a way to present it.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Week of February 9-13

5th grade worked incredibly hard and made great progress with our Passion Projects this week. Each class was able to begin research based around our essential question. Students worked hard to find out where and who to gather information from in order to learn more about their global topic. Our real challenge was to find a local source of information and begin to draft a letter to them in hopes to gather insight from a professional in their specific field. Because we won’t meet on February 16 due to Presidents’ Day we had to switch gears towards the end of our time together and think about pitching our project to an audience. We watched a few great examples for inspiration and began to plan the outline for our own “Pitch”.

5th grade HW:

Due 2/16: Primary Source Letter emailed to Ms. Maline for review

Due 2/23: Completed Pitch Template (both front and back of template)

4a and 4b had the chance to see firsthand how different a food chain is from a food web. Each student was assigned a role from a Pacific Northwest ecosystem. We worked as a class to determine whether the role was a PRODUCER, CONSUMER, or DECOMPOSER. We then made an actual food web to show the connections between all living things in an ecosystem. The part that wowed us the most was the link between each role and the river. This helped us visualize the impact that an oil spill would have on the ENTIRE ecosystem. Then, we had the chance to watch a clip about the Yellowstone National Park and the impact of wolves on the ecosystem and the river. ( We had a little competition to see who could create the best version of the effects the wolves had on the park. The winners loved their prizes!

4a and 4b’s HW was to read an article about the addition of a larger underground oil pipeline and choose a side; either for or against the building. Then, write a persuasive lesson to convince your audience to join your side. Students need to keep in mind the effects of another potential oil spill and the wolf clip to see the positive and negative impact it could have on the environment.

4c finally got to test different materials and methods for cleaning up an oil spill! We spent time exploring methods/materials that would either contain or remove oil from a body of water. In small groups we then tested out each one to see how effective they were. We got some great results but also some not so great results. We have a lot more work to do in making and designing an effective plan for cleaning up an oil spill but are ready to use the Engineering Design Process to guide us to the answer!

4c’s HW was to research other ways to deal with an oil spill, especially with chemical dispersants. After you have done the research, determine the advantages and disadvantages to chemical dispersants. Finally, research one natural dispersants and list its advantages and disadvantages.

3a and 3b used their plans for an improved water filter from last week to “purchase” their materials and create their own water filters! We were able to test all filters that were made and were impressed by the results! After testing the filters we worked to, yet again, improve each design to target specific criteria (cost, time, color, or particle removal). When we meet next we will use our plans to re-build an even better water filter.

3c has just begun the Engineering Design process with a new problem in mind by asking, “How can we filter drinkable water, at an affordable cost?” We are working on improving the filters we created last week to ensure that this time materials are used and combined to be most effective. Individually, students imagined several filter ideas and then in small groups began to collaborate and plan how each component of the filters would work. When we meet next we are going to use the pricing guide to help figure out how affordable each filter is and finally get to create each unique filter! I know we can’t wait to test our designs!

3rd grade HW was to bring in 5 trivia game cards. We will compile all of the questions/answers and play a Water Filter Jeopardy Game in the upcoming weeks! Make your questions tricky but based off classwork, articles read and past HW assignments.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Week of February 2-6

 When 5th grade met this week we used our time together to finalize our Big Ideas and develop our Essential Question. In order to do this we spent time talking about what a strong EQ sounds like but also what a strong EQ DOESN’T sound like. Another focus we have for our passion projects is to reflect more. This project is testing out our 21st Century Skills by making us research and think critically about how to get the best information. By reflecting we are being metacognitive (aware of our own thinking) and therefore conscious of what we are doing to expand our knowledge. In order for us to dive deeper into our passion we have to do the proper research.

5th grade HW was to complete the research template and determine the best sources for information (best books, articles, websites, interview candidates, etc.)

Our 4th grade classes were all able to meet this week and continue learning about the impact of pollutants (and oil) on surrounding ecosystems. 4a and 4b got a chance to do the jigsaw lesson about the impact rivers have on people that 4c did last week.

4a and 4b’s HW was to research the Delaware River and the impact it had on NJ and surrounding areas. Then, create an article, just like the ones we read in class, about how important the Delaware River is to us.
4c had the chance to watch a great follow up news bulletin about the progress (or lack of progress) in the cleanup of the oil spill in the Yellowstone River. We then, reenacted how that oil spill (and all other oil spills) impacts an ecosystem. We took on different roles and created a real life food web so show how connected all consumers, producers and decomposers are. Then 4c watched a JAW DROPPING clip ( of how wolves changed the rivers in the Yellowstone National Park. It was incredible to see how one change to the ecosystem impacts the ENTIRE ecosystem.
4c’s HW was to read an article about the addition of a larger underground oil pipeline and choose a side; either for or against the building. Then, write a persuasive lesson to convince your audience to join your side. 4c needs to keep in mind the effects of another potential oil spill and the wolf clip to see the positive and negative impact it could have on the environment.
3rd Grade made awesome progress on our water filter designs. 3a and 3b have begun the Engineering Design process with a new problem in mind by asking, “How can we filter drinkable water, at an affordable cost?” 3a and 3b are working on improving the filters we created last week to ensure that this time materials are used and combined to be most effective. Individually, students imagined several filter ideas and then in small groups began to collaborate and plan how each component of the filters would work. When we meet next we are going to use the pricing guide to help figure out how affordable each filter is and finally get to create each unique filter! I know we can’t wait to test our designs!
3a and 3b’s HW was to find materials at home that effectively filter water and reflect on how those materials might help our plan here at school.
3c used their understanding of water filtration to predict what materials would make the best water filter (a screen, paper coffee filters and sand/gravel). We followed the Engineering Design Process to ASK, IMAGINE, PLAN, and CREATE a water filter in class. Then, we came together and brainstormed how to IMPROVE our original plan to develop an EPIC water filter.
3c’s HW was to try this same process out at home. Then, report back with data collected from testing out different materials. When we meet next week we will discuss what properties lead to the most effective filters and apply that to the filters we engineer in class.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Week of January 26-30

I am happy to report that 5th grade was finally able to meet this week and have in-depth conversations about each other’s Passion Projects. Even with a shorted day for the “blizzard” both classes had time to discuss our Big Ideas and how we can begin to turn our passions into Essential Questions. ( - this is a resource we will revisit to help craft our EQ’s). Also, we spent a large chunk of time talking about what it means to have 21st Century Skills. We read a short article about the 7 essential survival skills as defined by business leaders.
For 5th grade HW you needed to read through the article and determine how these 21st Century Skills helped refine your Big Idea and help you move closer to an Essential Question. I look forward to meeting next week and nailing down your Passion Project!
Due to the snow day not all 4th grade groups were able to meet. When we returned on Wednesday 4c was about to complete the next lesson. This group completed a jigsaw project on the impact of rivers on different areas and cultures. By reading about the Amazon River, Yellow River, Mississippi River, Nile River, Tigris and Euphrates River we were able to cross-references our findings and began to see how rivers helped to develop economies and civilizations as far back as we have record of. This really opened our eyes to how important rivers are and how we need to make sure we do our part to keep them clean.
We also watched a new clip on the oil spill in Montana and how it was spreading down to Yellowstone River. I encourage you to do some research on this current event!
4th grade HW was to research the Delaware River and the impact it had on NJ and surrounding areas. Then, create an article, just like the ones we read in class, about how important the Delaware River is to us.

All 3rd grade groups met this week and were in for a treat! 3a and 3b used their knowledge of water filtration to predict what materials would make the best water filter. We followed the Engineering Design Process to ASK, IMAGINE, PLAN, and CREATE a water filter in class. Then, we came together and brainstormed how to IMPROVE our original plan to develop an EPIC water filter.

3a and 3b’s HW was to reflect on what we learned about filters before and after our plan to improve our water filter.
3c spent the first part of our time together engineering towers to solve our problem: Howard the Cow(ard) needed to be hoisted up 1 foot into the air and rest on top of a tower so that he wouldn’t get trampled on due to his small size. 3c was about to figure out some key engineering improvements when building such as geometry, folding cards for added strength and orienting shapes to use their most stable side.
Next, we broke into pairs and worked to identify how humans are contaminating our ecosystem! This was important for us to see. After reading Saving Salila's Turtle we knew that environmental engineers work to clean up contaminates in our air, water, and soil but this helped us to learn that environmental engineers work to figure out the source of these problems too. The time we spent talking about contaminates both artificial and natural, got us thinking about the impact this has on our future. Third grade ended our time together by talking through the article given for homework. This article it talks about the effects dirty water has on people’s lives.
3c’s HW assignment is to read the article that links dirty water to health problems, hunger, poverty and education and complete one of the following tasks.
Create a public service announcement using at least one fact from each effect. Then, make a 30 second video and email Ms. Maline ( or prepare to perform it for the class. Please script anything you need in you G&T notebook.
Create a news broadcast summarizing the effects of bad water. Then, make a 30 second video and email Ms. Maline ( or prepare to perform it for the class. Please script anything you need in you G&T notebook.
Write a story in your notebook about a family that experiences the effects of dirty water and predict how their life might be different if a well or other project is built.

Here are the links to the articles if you need them: