Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Week of January 12-16

Note to everyone: The NJAGC is hosting a gifted conference (called Full STEAM Ahead) on March 6th and 7th.  Click on the link below and scroll to the bottom of the page for more info.

This week, I was out sick and missed my 5th graders.  I'm so sad that I didn't get to say goodbye before going out on maternity leave.  I can't wait to see your passion projects come to fruition.  I'm sure you all will blow me away with your wonderful and innovative solutions to the problems you identify, and, more importantly, I know you will get so much out of this process!

In 4th grade, we talked about how Tehya used the engineering design process to clean up her model oil spill and how this will help us when we do the same thing.  We also explored various sources of energy and discussed the pros and cons of each one.
HW: finish reading book about energy sources, complete pros and cons chart, and answer the question at the bottom either on a google doc or in your notebook.  Make sure to research how to conserve energy and to cite your sources at the end of your response.

In classes 3a and 3b, we read a story called Saving Salila's Turtle, where a young girl from India is on a quest to save a turtle from the dirty waters of the Ganges River.  She learns about the engineering design process and how she can use it to design a filter to clean water from the river.  We also learned about sources of pollution and used our creativity to brainstorm possible pollution solutions.
HW: use the following website (and any others you find) to answer the questions from the homework sheet I gave you (4 causes of water pollution, some ways to treat polluted water, and things we can do to prevent water pollution from occurring).  Always remember to put the information into your own words and to list any websites or sources you use to get your information.

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