Saturday, January 31, 2015

Week of January 26-30

I am happy to report that 5th grade was finally able to meet this week and have in-depth conversations about each other’s Passion Projects. Even with a shorted day for the “blizzard” both classes had time to discuss our Big Ideas and how we can begin to turn our passions into Essential Questions. ( - this is a resource we will revisit to help craft our EQ’s). Also, we spent a large chunk of time talking about what it means to have 21st Century Skills. We read a short article about the 7 essential survival skills as defined by business leaders.
For 5th grade HW you needed to read through the article and determine how these 21st Century Skills helped refine your Big Idea and help you move closer to an Essential Question. I look forward to meeting next week and nailing down your Passion Project!
Due to the snow day not all 4th grade groups were able to meet. When we returned on Wednesday 4c was about to complete the next lesson. This group completed a jigsaw project on the impact of rivers on different areas and cultures. By reading about the Amazon River, Yellow River, Mississippi River, Nile River, Tigris and Euphrates River we were able to cross-references our findings and began to see how rivers helped to develop economies and civilizations as far back as we have record of. This really opened our eyes to how important rivers are and how we need to make sure we do our part to keep them clean.
We also watched a new clip on the oil spill in Montana and how it was spreading down to Yellowstone River. I encourage you to do some research on this current event!
4th grade HW was to research the Delaware River and the impact it had on NJ and surrounding areas. Then, create an article, just like the ones we read in class, about how important the Delaware River is to us.

All 3rd grade groups met this week and were in for a treat! 3a and 3b used their knowledge of water filtration to predict what materials would make the best water filter. We followed the Engineering Design Process to ASK, IMAGINE, PLAN, and CREATE a water filter in class. Then, we came together and brainstormed how to IMPROVE our original plan to develop an EPIC water filter.

3a and 3b’s HW was to reflect on what we learned about filters before and after our plan to improve our water filter.
3c spent the first part of our time together engineering towers to solve our problem: Howard the Cow(ard) needed to be hoisted up 1 foot into the air and rest on top of a tower so that he wouldn’t get trampled on due to his small size. 3c was about to figure out some key engineering improvements when building such as geometry, folding cards for added strength and orienting shapes to use their most stable side.
Next, we broke into pairs and worked to identify how humans are contaminating our ecosystem! This was important for us to see. After reading Saving Salila's Turtle we knew that environmental engineers work to clean up contaminates in our air, water, and soil but this helped us to learn that environmental engineers work to figure out the source of these problems too. The time we spent talking about contaminates both artificial and natural, got us thinking about the impact this has on our future. Third grade ended our time together by talking through the article given for homework. This article it talks about the effects dirty water has on people’s lives.
3c’s HW assignment is to read the article that links dirty water to health problems, hunger, poverty and education and complete one of the following tasks.
Create a public service announcement using at least one fact from each effect. Then, make a 30 second video and email Ms. Maline ( or prepare to perform it for the class. Please script anything you need in you G&T notebook.
Create a news broadcast summarizing the effects of bad water. Then, make a 30 second video and email Ms. Maline ( or prepare to perform it for the class. Please script anything you need in you G&T notebook.
Write a story in your notebook about a family that experiences the effects of dirty water and predict how their life might be different if a well or other project is built.

Here are the links to the articles if you need them:

Week of January 19-23

This was the first week Ms. Maline was teaching this Brainy Bunch! Due to school being closed on Monday for MLK Day, we weren’t able to see fifth grade. This means we will be looking for even more progress, reflection and research with your Passion Projects. Be ready to come in Monday and share all of your incredible findings!
In fourth grade each of the classes worked together to solve the Enviro-Mystery! We jumped into the shoes of an environmental engineer and helped the Mayor of Greentown identify the reason his plants and animals were taking a turn for the worst! We conducted an experiment to compere samples from different locations around town against the data they collected from 3 years ago. Due to our investigative minds we figured out that pollution was spreading through the SOIL! This was groundbreaking because for the first time we began to see how the entire ecosystem was connected.

Our 4th grade HW assignment was to write a letter back to Mayor Higgins reporting our findings and action steps the town needs to take to stop the spread of pollutants and prevent this from happening in the future. These letters should be shared in the 4a, 4b, or 4c folder online for review.

Third grade had the chance to work as environmental engineers as well! First, we spent time brainstorming types of problems environmental engineers address and more importantly what causes these problems. Next, we broke into pairs and worked to identify how humans are contaminating our ecosystem! This was important for us to see. After reading Saving Salila's Turtle we knew that environmental engineers work to clean up contaminates in our air, water, and soil but this helped us to learn that environmental engineers work to figure out the source of these problems too. The time we spent talking about contaminates both artificial and natural, got us thinking about the impact this has on our future. Third grade ended our time together by talking through the article given for homework. This article it talks about the effects dirty water has on people’s lives.

Our 3rd grade HW assignment is to read the article that links dirty water to health problems, hunger, poverty and education and complete one of the following tasks.

Create a public service announcement using at least one fact from each effect. Then, make a 30 second video and email Ms. Maline ( or prepare to perform it for the class. Please script anything you need in you G&T notebook.

Create a news broadcast summarizing the effects of bad water. Then, make a 30 second video and email Ms. Maline ( or prepare to perform it for the class. Please script anything you need in you G&T notebook.
Write a story in your notebook about a family that experiences the effects of dirty water and predict how their life might be different if a well or other project is built
Here are the links to the articles if you need them

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Week of January 12-16

Note to everyone: The NJAGC is hosting a gifted conference (called Full STEAM Ahead) on March 6th and 7th.  Click on the link below and scroll to the bottom of the page for more info.

This week, I was out sick and missed my 5th graders.  I'm so sad that I didn't get to say goodbye before going out on maternity leave.  I can't wait to see your passion projects come to fruition.  I'm sure you all will blow me away with your wonderful and innovative solutions to the problems you identify, and, more importantly, I know you will get so much out of this process!

In 4th grade, we talked about how Tehya used the engineering design process to clean up her model oil spill and how this will help us when we do the same thing.  We also explored various sources of energy and discussed the pros and cons of each one.
HW: finish reading book about energy sources, complete pros and cons chart, and answer the question at the bottom either on a google doc or in your notebook.  Make sure to research how to conserve energy and to cite your sources at the end of your response.

In classes 3a and 3b, we read a story called Saving Salila's Turtle, where a young girl from India is on a quest to save a turtle from the dirty waters of the Ganges River.  She learns about the engineering design process and how she can use it to design a filter to clean water from the river.  We also learned about sources of pollution and used our creativity to brainstorm possible pollution solutions.
HW: use the following website (and any others you find) to answer the questions from the homework sheet I gave you (4 causes of water pollution, some ways to treat polluted water, and things we can do to prevent water pollution from occurring).  Always remember to put the information into your own words and to list any websites or sources you use to get your information.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week of January 5-9

This week, the 5th graders were introduced to our next unit: "Engineering Our Passions."  Students brainstormed global issues affecting our world today.  We then discussed how to narrow the scope and think of these issues on more of a local level.  For example, world conflict (ISIS, Israeli/Palestinian conflict, etc.) can be scaled down to conflicts in the school like bullying, and cyber bullying.  Students will now think about topics they are passionate about and choose one issue that they can attempt to solve on a local level.  I am really excited to see the wonderful work students do when their interests and passions are taken into account!
HW: Research current events on kids' news websites like: - make sure to scroll down to "Extra Credit Resources" - you can explore by subject area (like world) or click "articles"

Make a list of global issues that interest you and think about how you can address those issues on a local level.  Come up with at least two possible ideas for your passion project that deal with solving a local problem in your school or community.

You can also check out these passion projects created by other students: - This is an example of how one student addressed the global issue of conflict in his local school. - This project is not really about solving a global/local issue, but it shows the importance of setting goals, planning, reflecting, learning from failures, etc.

Each 5th grade class also had a guest teacher for half the period.  5a used the Engineering Design Process to create a Trojan Horse.  Class 5b learned about the importance of design and function when creating a building. They learned about the importance of materials, challenges, and value.

In 4th grade, we began our unit on environmental engineering.  We read a story about a girl named Tehya who lives in Washington State with her native American tribe, the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe.  She and her friend, Sam, discovered an oil spill in the local river and learned how environmental engineers design a process to clean up spills.  We also learned about the overarching concept that everything is connected and when one event happens, it sets off a chain reaction.  Click the following link for more info on the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe:

HW: Research three jobs an environmental engineer might do.  Explain each one and evaluate which one is most important.

In 3rd grade, we learned that technology is anything made by humans to solve a problem or meet a need.  Even things like sneakers and paper clips are examples of technology!  We also learned that engineers use their knowledge of math, science, and their creativity to design and improve objects, systems, and processes that solve problems.  
HW: List 10 examples of technology in your house (5 must not be electronic).  Choose 3 - explain the problems engineers saw that gave them the idea to create new technologies.
Create a poster using Google Slides, Docs, or Draw to present one of these “non-electronic” technologies. On your poster, you should have:
    • The name of the technology
    • The problem the technology solves
    • A picture of the technology
    • A description of what makes the object technology

Share your poster with me once you finish.