Friday, October 7, 2016

Week of October 5-7

This week, 3b figured out the most efficient ways to find the area of an irregular shape (a fried egg). Instead of just counting each cm square inside the figure, the students figured out that drawing large rectangles inside the egg and finding their area by multiplying length times width saved us a lot of time. We still had to account for the whole and partial pieces that didn't fit inside one of our rectangles, so we also discussed how to put the partial pieces together to make wholes and add everything up.

4c and 4d learned how to use theoretical probability to make good predictions about what SHOULD happen in an experiment. Then they conducted experiments, compared their predictions to what ACTUALLY happened (experimental probability) and realized that even though our results won't come out exactly as we predicted, using theoretical probability is much more reliable than randomly guessing!

5c and 5d learned how to make and manipulate images using racket code. We learned new functions like rotate, flip-horizontal, flip-vertical, scale, overlay, and we used these functions to do lots of cool things to images.
A student uses the overlay function to combine images.

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